
Featured Articles

How to Stop Worrying

Do you find yourself constantly worrying? Is it getting in the way of your life and happiness? Learn how the mind creates worry and how to eliminate it from your life for good!
Matt Reaves | 08/02/2019

Why am I so Hard on Myself?

Are you constantly unhappy with who you are? Unable to celebrate your accomplishments or to stop suffering over your failures? The key is learning where this mindset begins…
Matt Reaves | 05/09/2019

How to Stop Giving Up

Do you find yourself losing motivation to finish your goals? Find out how mindfulness can keep you on track and change your life.
Matt Reaves | 03/07/2019

How To Be Happy Again

Learn how to let go of the past in order to reclaim you life and the happiness you deserve. Through a practice of mindfulness and acceptance, you can be happy again.
Matt Reaves | 02/09/2019

How to be Confident

The first step to having confidence is to realize that you already have it within you. The trick is to get rid of what is holding it back.
Matt Reaves | 01/02/2019

How to Not Fear Death

Regardless of your faith, we can all learn how to not fear the inevitable. Face death with courage, understanding, and acceptance.
Matt Reaves | 10/01/2018


American GoGo

Do you feel like you never get to rest? Learn how to break free from the non-stop lifestyle and enjoy the one life you are given.
Matt Reaves | 09/06/2018

The Passion of Creation

Our creations are the discoveries of our minds. Start creating today, and share your discoveries with the world.
Matt Reaves | 08/07/2018

The Power of Empathy

Our world is broken from our inability to see our connections. We must rebuild our connections with one another with the power of empathy.
Matt Reaves | 07/07/2018

From Struggle to Strength 

Our lives are increasingly being defined by an economic system that has been hijacked to work against the majority for the few. While we must continue to fight for economic justice, we must change our own mentality in order to stop struggling and to realize our true strength.
Matt Reaves 06 | 01 | 2018


Why is Honesty Important?

With how convenient lying can be, why is it important to be honest? Learn the different types of honesty and how they could improve your life and relationships. 
Matt Reaves 05 | 02 | 2018

Talking to Strangers

We are told from a young age to not talk to strangers, but some hold onto this mentality of distrust their entire lives. As individuals, and as groups, we must learn how to see the other as what they really are…
Matt Reaves | 03/19/2018

All We Need is Love 

From romantic love, to the universal love for all life, this powerful emotion has great power over our lives. Learn the scientific basis for love, and how important it is to grow your capacity to love others. 
Matt Reaves | 02/26/2018

Feed the Right Wolf 

We all have within us two battling wolves, one is fear, doubt, greed and anger, the other is happiness, calm, peace and compassion. The one that wins is…
Matt Reaves | 02/12/2018

How to Stop Suffering

Experiencing pain is a fundamental part of life, but subjecting yourself to suffering is always your choice. Learn how to eliminate the mindset that traps you in a cycle of suffering that can consume your life and keep you from finding happiness and peace.
Matt Reaves | 03/04/2018

True Strength

Too often, society tells us to be strong you must be ruthless and dominate those weaker than you. Learn how to find true strength by defending those who need it the most, and transcend this ancient mindset that perpetuates suffering and bloodshed.
Matt Reaves | 02/04/2018

Don’t be the Fly

You charge toward the light that is success, smashing yourself into invisible barriers, instead of sitting back for one second to see the answer that lies in front of you. Learn how to overcome barriers that you set upon yourself by not seeing the full picture of the success you crave. 
Matt Reaves | 1/21/2018

Expose Yourself

Don’t settle for a life of mindless repetition. Break boundaries, push yourself, and try to see as much of what this world has to offer as you can. Learn how to break out of your boring daily routine and have the adventure you have always dreamed of…
Matt Reaves | 01/15/2018

A New Year, Yet Always Now

Make the choice to realize that change, growth, destruction and rebirth are all parts of this amazing experience and that we have the capability of enjoying ever moment we are given. It is always now, it is always your choice. Learn how to accept and embrace change in order to maintain happiness through all of life’s turns.
Matt Reaves | 01/02/2018

Embrace Change

So many people stick with suffering because they don’t see any way out of their situation. Chances are, there is something you can do.  Giving in and accepting a life of suffering and misery is never acceptable. Learn how to embrace change and discover the amazing possibilities this life has to offer.
Matt Reaves | 12/25/2017

To be a Better Me

If you are expecting things to improve without first believing in your ability to succeed, you will continue to fight a losing battle against yourself. The first step in any form of self-improvement should be to learn how to love yourself, believe in yourself, and to know that you are capable and worthy of being better.
Matt Reaves | 12/10/2017

From the Fall We Rise 

I have fallen from my false expectations. I am still on the floor, but I am not broken. I am standing because I will not let this break me. It is easy to be positive and to be happy when everything is going right, the real challenge is holding on to this when everything is going wrong.
Matt Reaves | 12/03/2017

Give Thanks

The world you see, and the reality you live in, is in many ways dependent on what you choose to focus upon. Suffering or happiness are both a choice, one we make every second of every day of our lives. Learn how to focus your mind to find happiness regardless of circumstance.
Matt Reaves | 11/26/2017

Embrace Failure

Nothing teaches you better than failing. When you study, you learn a little, when you do, you learn a lot, but when you fail, you learn the most. Learn how embrace failures so that you may use them to become stronger and wiser than before.
Matt Reaves | 11/19/2017

Reaching Out

When you see someone down, you pick them up. We didn’t become who we are today by letting each other suffer and die in a hole of despair, we became who we are because we stopped and saw one of our own suffering and decided to reach out a hand and lift them up.
Matt Reaves | 11/12/2017


Fear keeps us at war with each other and with our own minds. It stops us from realizing a life of success. It traps us in an imaginary world  of an unknown future, destroying our ability to be happy by drowning our lives in a million what ifs. Learn how to confront your fears and take control of your life.
Matt Reaves | 11/05/2017

Eliminate Excuses

Limits are things you set upon yourself. They are a choice. However high you think you can climb is where you will end up. Stop giving yourself reasons why you can’t and start coming up with ways in which you can. Learn how your mindset will determine what you can achieve.
Matt Reaves |10/09/2017


Addiction rewires your brain, it changes you, it can become you, and nothing is more difficult than battling yourself. Learn methods of overcoming addiction with the power of your mind.
Matt Reaves | 10/02/2017
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