

Hey, my name is Matt Reaves and welcome to Entice Your Mind.

I believe that our minds are the most powerful tools in the known universe. Sadly we often believe ourselves to be victims of a mindset that is beyond our control. My message is that if you learn how to control this powerful tool, that you can not only change your life but that you can also change the world.

Through the practice of acceptance, mindfulness, and positivity, we can take back control of our minds and live the life we choose. Sign up to receive my Monthly Motivation writings where I discuss different methods of using these practices to better your life. Check out my store to find products related to my message. Share this page on social media to spread awareness of this practice and how it can help you master your mindset.

I wasn’t always this positive or hopeful about the possibilities of our minds. I hit several challenges in my life that left me depressed, constantly torturing myself by allowing my mind to dwell on the past and to fear the future. I believed that I was a failure and this mindset kept me there. Thankfully, I discovered the practice of mindfulness and acceptance that allowed me to take back control of my mind, and I want to share this practice with you.

If you have any questions, please send me an email at enticeyourmindmail@gmail.com

This site will continue to grow, please check back soon! Also, please subscribe to my email list or check out my Facebook , Instagram and Youtube pages.

Matt Reaves

Entice Your Mind

“Never Stop Living in Wonder.”

Share your Discovery!