
The Passion of Creation

For all of history humans have wrestled with the idea of the meaning of life. We were put here without instructions. We wake up one day, alive, with no idea what we’re supposed to do about it. We don’t even start making memories for a couple of years so by the time we realize we are alive, we’ve already been going at it aimlessly for a while. From there on we get better and better at pretending we know what we’re doing. Do you strive for something beyond this everyday toil, struggling under the burdens of a life you never asked for? Do you wander aimlessly with life’s whims, or do you dream of fulfilling a destiny filled with passion?

Many people believe we were created for a purpose. That we were created by a higher power who we must please for he is the only one with the knowledge of what that purpose is. Many others believe we are merely the result of coincidental chemistry and, being accidents of nature, we truly serve no purpose at all. I believe in a reality that falls between those two extremes. I believe we were created by natural occurrences, but that we are not only connected to a higher power, but actually a part of that higher power. I believe we, as sentient, intelligent beings, are the culmination of the universe. Through billions of years of processes, we have become a self-sustaining, self-aware entity that is able to contemplate our existence and act upon that contemplation. We are the universe discovering itself.

I believe the most important things in life are happiness and love. They are two incredibly powerful processes that we all have the capability of transmitting and receiving. Although some people are lost and search their whole lives for them, I truly think they are merely prerequisites in life. They are always available and should be the standard, starting point of life and not something we should have to work towards in a sense that makes them a “purpose”. We should be happy and love others regardless of our situation. That should be a basic requirement of humanity, not an accomplishment.

When I think of what our purpose is, I think of what we should be expected to strive for. What we should be expected to work towards in our brief existence that will inherently take effort and dedication. In that sense, I believe our purpose is creation. I think we are truly here to create. Whether you look at this in the purely biological sense, where life’s only true mission is to survive long enough to reproduce, then you agree with me, our only purpose is to create more of ourselves. There are many people out there that are content to know that their ultimate purpose in life is to have and raise good children, and that is an incredibly noble cause in itself! Of course, that implies that you put your ultimate effort into the proper raising of the child because that is when you are truly creating what kind of human being you are adding to this world. Saying that all you have to do to create is merely birth the child is like saying you can dump a paint can on a canvas and call it a work of art.

If you think there is more to life than just simple propagation, then think about what every human strives for in some way or another.  We strive to create. Whether it be to create comfort through the accumulation of material goods and wealth, to creating a business, to the creation of art in all of its forms, there seems to be an innate drive in us to create something beyond ourselves. We have evolved past mere survival and reproduction. We have developed the ability to shape the world, to add to it, to use our brains and mold new things into creation, and we should be striving to do just that to the best of our ability.

When I created Entice Your Mind, I wanted to use it to showcase my writing, to share my creation with the world. I quickly decided that I would use this platform for not only for myself, but for anyone else that is putting effort into sharing their creations with the world. Too often people have to put their creative pursuits on hold due to work and other life events, or they give up on those dreams because they don’t believe their creations can make them successful. It makes me so sad to know how many creations we have missed out on because of this. How many artists gave up making beautiful works so they could waste away for a stable paycheck? What beautiful, entertaining, inspiring or even practically useful creations and inventions could have been spawned by humans that let go of their drive to merely exist more comfortably? I want to do my part to not only continue putting out my creations, but to do what I can to help others in that same pursuit.

What is your creative dream? What talent do you want to hone and put out for the world to see? Have you let that dream slip through your fingers because your focus was only on the “realistic” goals of life? You may not be able to become famous from your works, you may never be able to live off of the money your creations generate, but the world will be a less beautiful, less creative, less inspiring and amazing place if you don’t put the time and effort into letting the world see what you can create. Sometimes it is difficult to continue working on my writing, making music and creating videos, but I am putting in that extra effort because I want this world to be a better place and I believe we all have the responsibility to put our energy into the purpose of creation.

We all have the ability to create something beautiful, and I want you to start today.

Find something that will entice your mind; that will inspire you and fill you with the passion of creation and then

share that wonder with the world.

We are the universe discovering itself, and our creations are what we share about that discovery.

Share your Discovery!

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